Dec 17, 2010

Red In The Morning...

Winter Sunrise copyright x

... Sailors Take Warning...

Red at Night....
Winter Sunset Panorama copyright x

Sailor's Delight

These pictures were taken about 14 hours apart.

The sunset was taken in the 5:00 hour on the evening of December 16.
The sunrise was taken at 7:45 in the morning of December 17.

So what is it?

Delight or fright?

Dec 15, 2010

Go Cougs...

Lavell Edwards Stadium copyright x

Lavell Edwards Stadium
Provo, Utah
November 2010
Taken by SaJo

I post this picture in honor of her meeting and being offered an act of service by the head coach of BYU football, Bronco Mendenhall.

Dec 10, 2010

Winter Panorama

Winter Panorama copyright x

Looking North/East of my Town.
The Teton Mountain Range is somewhere hidden behind these clouds!
December 10, 2010

Dec 9, 2010

Over The River & Across the Interstate

I-15 SaJo copyright x

Interstate 15, somewhere between Blackfoot and Idaho Falls
November 24, 2010
Sent in by SaJo

(Do you remember how terrible the roads were Thanksgiving Weekend?)

Dec 6, 2010

Drive By

I-15 Driving copyright x

Interstate 15 (looking west)
Somewhere south of Pocatello
December 5, 2010

No cars were wrecked or unsafely swerved during the taking of this photo!